Best Surgery and Paediatrics specialist in Siliguri

Hepatobiliary Surgeries

Child Care

Choledochal Cysts

Choledochal Cysts are the cystic dilatations of bile ducts which is a very rare condition seen in a child. Choledochal Cysts are classified into 5 types based on the enlargement of the bile duct and if it is not treated on time then this may lead to cholangitis and pancreatitis. An operation known as cystenterostomy use to be performed at past to deal with this issue but now it's being treated with hepaticojejunostomy in a Roux-en-Y.

Biliary Atresia

Biliary Atresia is the infant disease of the liver and bile ducts which start to appear after two weeks of the birth of a child. During this disease, the bile ducts outside and inside the liver gets blocked which leads in the dysfunctioning of the liver tissue. The paediatrician treats this disease with a surgery called Kasai which has given many positive results. In this case, the bile between the liver and gallbladder is blocked.


Gallstones are the small stones present in the gallbladder of which is also referred to as cholelithiasis. The disorders in the red blood cells and the family history of having the gallstones are the main causes of gallstones in the children. In children, the stones are formed when the bile becomes supersaturated with blood disorders. These stones are dangerous because they can transfer to the ducts of the biliary tract which blocks the flow of the bile.

Vesicoureteral reflux

Vesicoureteral reflux is a medical condition in which the flow of the urine is directed towards the wrong way. The normal flow of urine starts from the kidneys and then reaches the ureters and finally gets stored in the bladder. The urine is released when the bladder is unable to hold it anymore. But in this condition, the urine instead of getting released from the bladder moves back up to the ureters and kidneys. This is a very common congenital disease found in infants and young toddlers.

Congenital hernia

A congenital hernia is a birth defect that is observed when there is a hole in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is actually a thin sheet of muscles that separates the chest from the abdomen. This is extremely dangerous during a fetus's development in the womb because the bowel, stomach, and liver try to move towards the chest cavity.

Undescended testicle

The undescended testicle is a congenital condition which is commonly found in prematurely born baby boys. In this condition, a testicle is unable to move towards its original position in the bag of skin hanging below the penis before birth. Uneven placement of the testis can result in severe complications and can only be corrected through surgery.


Hypospadias is a congenital defect in many infants. In this condition, the opening of the urethra is found on the underside of the penis. In normal conditions, the opening of the urethra is found at the tip. It is an extremely delicate condition because the urethra is the path through which the urine released from the body and any abnormality associated with that can easily lead to severe problems in the normal urination process or even reproduction.